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Sunday 3 May 2020

More sad music

It’s 8.15 am and I am sitting on the balcony smoking a cigarette looking at the giant golden cross on the roof of a nearby church.

I woke up again today in tears, that’s three days in a row as the pain and hurt finally start to release from my body after months of isolation.

I think about the last ten years.

Ten years is a long time and a short time, like the blink of an eye.

So many places and faces, drunken evenings, hungover mornings, joy and laughter and despair.

I think about her living alone with our dog and everything she must have been going through and how I really could and should have done more.

A swallow dips and dives across the blue skies and for a moment I’m tempted to leap just to feel the same freedom but instead I smoke another cigarette and keep pressing repeat on the sad music.

My head spins and buzzes, full of regret and questions.

How did we get here, how did things get so fucked up?

Will she ever be able to forgive?

Will I ever be the same again?

I step back from the edge.

For now. 

I listen to the songs we loved together and reminisce on the best times - the magical times.

I try to stay occupied, just to keep from losing it entirely but the days feel like months, like years, the time since we walked away longer than the decade we spent together.

Charlotte, I only hope you can find what you are searching for, I hope that one day we can speak again and the anger and bitterness subside.

I hope I can survive long enough to see that day.

The tears keep falling all morning and there seems to be no end to this torture, my shoulders slumped, eyes red and puffy, somewhere in between living and not living.

Clouds cover the blue sky and I think "of course, I can’t even have sunshine".

It’s cold for May, tomorrow seems impossibly far away.

And my heart in pieces, holding onto thoughts of yesterday.

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